Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Road works Remain Unfinished –Completion Date Unknown

As a follow up to our article about the general unhappiness expressed by residents about the road works in the centre of town, the Core can report the following:
With the assistance of Councillor Tim Barber, the Harcourt Reference Group has had discussions with Council about the state of the road works.  Neil Charter on behalf of the group, expressed disappointment to Council representatives about the management of the project, which was to be completed by June 30, 2013.
In response, the Council has undertaken to solve a number of outstanding issues. These include:
·         The ability to temporarily open up the end of Bagshaw Street for the Applefest parade. The council plans to alter the arrangement of the bollards and make the chevron sign removable so that vehicles can pass through. However, curb and channel has also been laid here which may prove a challenge for some vehicles or floats.
·         Drainage at the end of Bagshaw Street is to be reinstated, as the works have caused water to pool on the north side.
·         Signs indicating “changed traffic conditions” will be erected at various points to alert drivers
·         At the moment “no right turn” for vehicles travelling north, is indicated from Harmony Way into the continuation of Victoria Street. The amendment to the intersection to allow this will be considered in the 2014/2015 budget.
·         The slipway will be planted out and an informal walking track put in to connect Victoria Road with the town centre
·         Planting of the median strip will be done to enhance the recent tree plantings
·         A bus shelter will be installed on the western side of Harmony Way, near the post that has the VLine Timetable (south of the shop)
·         Two bus shelters will be installed for the eastern side of Harmony Way where the new footpath and bus parking has been established. (One has been erected in recent days).
·         Due to the 70 kmh speed limit, Vic Roads has blacked out the pedestrian crossing first installed. This is now an “informal crossing point” with signs warning pedestrians to give way to traffic.
·         The footpath leading to the new pedestrian crossing has to be modified and partially replaced because the angle of the path makes it difficult to use. This path will have a safety barrier.
·         Parking signs are to be installed
·         The RV Dump Point has been installed and road sealing works are underway. Some signage will also be required to direct visitors.
·         Council has indicated it is going to apply for a 60 km speed limit to slow traffic as Harmony Way does not meet Vic Roads criteria for a 50 km speed limit.
The problem now for the community is that we are currently left with many features of these works left unfinished with no known time-line for completion.
We now also have three types of pedestrian crossings on the road – one with some protection opposite the shop, one south of this called an “informal crossing” and one further south again called a “refuge crossing”. This last crossing has no paths leading to or from it, is difficult to access from the eastern side and was apparently not included in the original plans.
The Harcourt Reference Group meets again on Monday 25 November in the ANA Hall at 7.30 pm.  Community members are welcome to attend. The Core will attend and will attempt to get some answers about completion dates.
Robyn Miller