Monday, December 8, 2014

Questionnaire on a community house for Harcourt!

Your responses will be used to help build a business case for a Harcourt Community House so please take the time to complete this 2 minute survey.

Some Background Info

The Harcourt Community Plan identified interest in establishing a Community House or similar community services facility. There are 400 neighbourhood / community houses throughout the state, funded by the State Government who pay a coordinator to conduct a variety of services and activities which may then also generate fees and income. For example, the Lancefield Neighbourhood House runs their local op shop and farmers market which have raised in excess of $130,000 over the past 3 years, which goes to support other local community groups.

In Mount Alexander Shire, community houses exist in Castlemaine and Maldon while in Newstead they have a Rural Transaction Centre which operates as a community service hub. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Core: November edition

For the latest in Harcourt news and views, November's edition of The Core is up and available.

You can read about the YMCA's invitation to come along to the Harcourt Outdoor Pool to check out the upgraded facilities: gates open Friday 21 November, from 4pm to 6pm.
As Councillor Cordy points out: 'The pool is a fantastic asset to our community'. It'd be great to see everyone there in a couple of weeks.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The October Core - Out NOW!

The October Edition of the Harcourt Core is out now. This paper is going from strength to strength, a great read!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Have your say on streetscaping in Harcourt!

Ever since the Calder Highway was relocated from the centre of our town, Harcourt has wanted to improve the look and accessibility of its town centre. The Harcourt Town Centre Master Plan which was conducted as part of the "After the Bypass" process made a number of recommendations. One of these was to implement a considered Landscape Plan to address issues including:

·         Increasing shade and plantings to create a village atmosphere

·         Improving pedestrian connectivity throughout the town

·         Consolidating the recreational facilities

·         Creating welcoming town entrances which reference the region's identity

To help create the Landscape Plan for Harcourt, Mount Alexander Shire Council has engaged landscape architecture firm Spiire to develop a Landscape Plan. As part of this process, Council is seeking local input and feedback on ways to enhance the environmental and visual amenity of central Harcourt and highlight its unique identity.

 Two information sessions are being held:

Wednesday 17 September at the ANA Hall, 2pm – 4pm.

Thursday 18 September at the Harcourt Bowling Club, 6pm – 8pm.

 The Harcourt Progress Association encourages everyone to come along to a session and share your ideas.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Community meetings

The Harcourt Progress Association are hosting 2 public discussions which you are invited to attend to share your thoughts, ideas and interest:

**** Exploring a community house for Harcourt: A meeting with David Perry, Networker for RANCH (Regional Association of Neighbourhood & Community Houses) who will be explaining what's involved in establishing a community house. PLEASE NOTE this meeting is on Thursday 14th August - not Wednesday 13th as was advertised in The Core. Meeting at 2pm at the Harcourt Valley Primary School.  All welcome.

**** Save our pool!! - We will be meeting with representatives of the Chewton Pool to hear about their journey and look to establish a working group of locals interested in exploring community involvement and community management of the Harcourt Swimming Pool. Meeting at 2pm at Tread Café (Harcourt Tavern) on Saturday 16th August.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Master plan for the proposed Mountain Bike Plan

Following the recent public information session about the proposed Harcourt Mountain Bike Park, here are the scoping documents and proposed master plan, contained in a  public Dropbox folder. Its chunky and complex reading, but boy is it exciting!!

Harcourt mountain bike park master plan

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tree planting in Harcourt

Tree planting in Harcourt

On Sunday August 3, Harcourt Valley Landcare members and friends planted 200 trees and shrubs for National Tree Day and the 2Million Trees Program along Barkers Creek opposite the Harcourt CFA and the Pony Club site.

Pictured are Landcare volunteers celebrating a great morning's work.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Offical naming of Harmony Way

On July 10, during NAIDOC week, around fifty people braved an Antarctic day to attend a ceremony acknowledging the renaming of the old Calder Highway between Elphinstone and Harcourt after a respected Aboriginal figure of the late 19th Century.

Mount Alexander Shire Council made the decision in 2012 to rename the road Harmony Way after Henry "Harmony" Nelson, one of the 'apical' elders of the Dja Dja Wurrung clan. The Dja Dja Wurrung are recognised traditional owners of the area, and Henry was one of only eighteen individuals whose descendants can be regarded as members of the clan.

Appropriately, the ceremony was held beside the scar tree in Stanley Park, where new signage explaining the name and Henry's association with the region has also been erected.
Henry was born around 1855 and spent much of his youth in the area, as well as travelling between major centres of traditional activity throughout his long life. Despite being removed under duress to Cummeragunja and Framlingham, he and his descendants maintained a connection to the area, and several generations of Nelsons now reside here.
The suggestion to rename the highway came about as a result of community consultation and representations made to Council and VicRoads from several local people, as well as the Nelsons and the Dja Dja Wurrung. An alternative suggestion, Mount Alexander Road, gained support in a survey but was not supported by submissions, leading the Council to lean toward Harmony Way.

Mayor, Michael Redden, rather dryly outlined the somewhat lengthy process undertaken to first decide on a name, then guide the decision through State Government and VicRoads channels. However he spoke with clear pride of his and other Councillors' support of the result and its significance to both indigenous and non-indigenous Shire residents and visitors.

"This significant honour provides lasting recognition of Henry Harmony Nelson, a prominent figure in the history of the Dja Dja Wurrung people," he said.

Uncle Rick Nelson, himself an elder of the local Jaara Jaara people and a direct descendant of Henry, agreed the decision had meant a lot to the Nelson family, the Jaara Jaara and all the Dja Dja Wurrung.
"If my father (Brien, Henry's great grandson) could be here today he would be beaming with pride, happiness and honour," he said. "I thank the Mount Alexander Shire and Mayor Redden for supporting such a monumental proposal."

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mountain Bike Park public information session

Mountain Bike Park public information session

Goldfields Tourism Inc has been funded by the state government to explore implementing a Mountain Bike Park on the western flank of Mount Alexander. They have created a Steering Committee with representatives from local Harcourt groups, Mt Alex Shire council, state government and bike riding organisations.

Mountain Bike Parks in Forrest (in the Otways), the You Yangs, Beechworth and Mount Buller have seen huge economic booms for their towns and communities.
The Mountain Bike Park is an exciting opportunity for the people of Harcourt! Come and find out more at the

Mountain Bike Park public information session on Friday 25th July, 7pm at the Harcourt Leisure Centre

Hear from Peter Skilbeck, Chair of the Goldfields Track committee & other members of the Mountain Bike Park Steering Committee. See the draft plans and concept map of the trails and learn about the exciting opportunities and benefits for Harcourt.

 The possibilities are endless…..dream big!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July Edition of The Core is out now!

Please find the online version using the following link.

The July Core 2014

The paper edition can be obtained from the usual suspects.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

When 400 cyclists come to town!

What a great weekend in Harcourt with the Victorian Country and Metropolitan Club Championships taking place in and around our town.

Fabulous to see so many visitors, locals and cyclists enjoying the great outdoors and the wonderful natural environment that Harcourt is blessed with.

Well done to the Castlemaine Cycling Club for a great logistical exercise and thanks to the Harcourt Valley Primary School for providing catering and the Harcourt CFA for lending some volunteer assistance. We look forward to the next big bike race to come to town.

For racing results visit:

Country Champs (Sat May 17):

Metro Champs (Sun May 18):

Monday, May 5, 2014

Community celebration at the Bowls Club on Thursday 15th May

Join us during National Volunteer Week with a community celebration

 Thursday, 15th May from 6pm – 8.30pm at the Harcourt Bowling Club.

 Enjoy live music from MOOD SWING and a delicious BBQ dinner.

Let’s get together and thank the great work of volunteers in our community

RSVP to Jacqueline 5474 3172

Friday, May 2, 2014

May Edition of The Core Out Now!!!

Hi Everyone,

Our local newspaper "The Core" is going from strength to strength with a 20 page May Edition out now.

Many people have reported that they have problems viewing the online version so we are now going to provide a download link. Simply Click the link and save or view the file!

The Core - May 2014 Edition

We will get some links up for previous editions soon.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The April Edition of The Core is out now!

It's a bumper 14 page edition. Well done Robyn and all concerned on getting this great local read up and running so quickly!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March Core is out!

Hi All, The Harcourt Core -March Edition is out in time for Applefest. Please get your paper copy at the usual outlets (Shop, Servo, Tav and Post Office). Find the online version top right...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Blog for the Harcourt CWA

Hi Everyone, Our friends at the Harcourt CWA have a new blog! Looks like they are keeping it up to date too! Check it out at Cheers David

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Harcourt Core Newsletter - OUT NOW!

Hi Everyone,

The link to The Core is always in top right corner of this blog. Get it now! Clicking the small arrow at the top left of The Core will show to in full screen. And remember, you can pick up the printed version at the Harcourt Store or Post Office.

Throughout the community planning process, there were strong voices arguing that Harcourt needed it's own local paper. Not just an online version but a printed copy too. Something which would strengthen local ties and help get the community behind local events and initiatives.

Robyn Miller from the Harcourt Progress Association has bravely taken on this responsibility from Kelly Aitken who pioneered this initiative. Robyn created her first edition last December and has now released the February Edition. She is always looking for ideas and fresh content but has asked that all submission be received by 24 of the month prior. Advertising costs and Deadlines are on the front of each edition of the Core.