Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Our Community Action Plan

Many, many thanks to Annette Smith for collating our ideas for the Community Plan into such a user friendly format. Please read through and contribute your ideas.

If you scroll to the bottom of this post you will see the words "no comments", if you click on that you will open up a text box where you can leave your input.

Our plan must be submitted to council by the end of next month, ie May. This is going to make our next HPG meeting a very crucial one, and we warmly invite every one in the community to attend even if you've not been to any previous ones.

Harcourt Community Action Plan
1.       Communication

Who will lead
a)      Promote what is happening in Harcourt to residents
Create, maintain and manage a Harcourt Progress Association newsletter and blog
Regularly submit photos and articles to the Castlemaine Mail and Express

b)      Promote and support local businesses
Develop a support your local businesses/ services campaign

c)       Attract visitors to town
Develop a tourism map of Harcourt showing local attractions
Develop a promotional strategy to attract visitors to Harcourt
Promote the town as being family friendly

d)      Local Councillor to be available to talk with Harcourt residents
Have a listening post at the local shop regularly
Local councillor to attend Harcourt Progress Group meetings

2.       Arts, Crafts, Culture, Events

Who will lead
a)      Support and sustain existing community events and activities
Assist with the promotion, development and running of the Applefest

b)      Promote new community events and activities
Develop and promote a Food and Wine Trail for the Harcourt district

3.       Sustainability and Skills

Who will lead
a)      Improving and protecting local landscapes
Explore the possibility of community management of the Oak Forest
Improvement of the area along the creek to create a walk way

b)      Attract, recognise and retain volunteers to support community initiatives
Create a pool of volunteers from the community

4.       Facilities and Services

Who will lead
a)      Increase access to sustainable transport options
Lobby to open the station
Lobby to increase the bus service to  and from Harcourt


b)      Identify and support activities for young people
Set up a group to facilitate support for young people, particularly those at risk and explore opportunities to create activities and venues within Harcourt for their use.

c)       Primary school as a community venue
Use the primary school facilities and resources as a venue for community  and educational activities in Harcourt

d)      Recreational facilities
Improve the facilities in central Harcourt – eg – barbecue, lighting, toilets
Provide a fenced playground
Make Harcourt a destination for cyclists and cycling events

e)      Create a permanent performance space in James Park
Work with local organisations to lobby council to get this done.  Also consider the use of volunteer labour to assist with the work
Investigate the possibility of applying for a regional arts grant to construct this.  Apply if appropriate.

f)       Improve the drainage in James park
Work with local organisations to lobby council to get this done.  Also consider the use of volunteer labour to assist with the work

g)      Create a multi purpose community hub in central Harcourt
Approach council to assist with the purchase of an existing building in Harcourt


5.       Beautification

Who will lead
a)      Promote walking tracks and trails
Create a resource which provides information on the tracks and trails in the Harcourt area

b)      Town Centre
Explore and develop ways to create a town centre

c)       Visual Statement
Create a visual statement along the Freeway and in the town centre to draw people into Harocurt

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